Here are a few examples of how to get the timestamp in JavaScript.
How to Check if an Array Includes a Value in JavaScript
In this article, we will explore some of the most common methods for checking for the presence of a value in an array.
How to Make the First Letter of a String Uppercase in JavaScript
JavaScript provides several built-in methods for manipulating strings, including one called toUpperCase() which can be used to convert the first letter of a string to uppercase.
How To Check if a Checkbox is Checked With JavaScript or jQuery
Checking if a checkbox is checked in JavaScript can be done using the checked property of the checkbox element. This property returns a boolean value indicating whether the checkbox is currently checked or not. Here’s an example of how to check if a checkbox with the ID “myCheckbox” is checked using JavaScript: You can also […]
How To Generate a GUID in JavaScript
In JavaScript, there are several libraries and built-in methods that can be used to generate a GUID.
How To Replace All Occurrences of a String in JavaScript
In JavaScript, there are several ways to replace all occurrences of a string within a larger string.
How To Validate an Email Address In JavaScript
In this article, we will discuss several methods for validating email addresses in JavaScript, including using regular expressions and built-in JavaScript methods.
How To Loop Through All The Entries In An Array Using JavaScript
In this article, we will explore the most common methods for iterating over an array in JavaScript.
The Difference Between “var” and “let” in JavaScript
JavaScript has two ways to declare variables: “var” and “let”. Although they both serve the same purpose, there are some key differences between the two.
How To Import A JavaScript File In Another JavaScript File
In this article, we will explain how to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file, similar to the way CSS files are imported using the @import rule.