Use the spread operator (…) to convert the string into an array of characters. Source
Vanilla JS toggle
Get an array of key/value pairs from an object
Return an array of key/value pairs, also represented as arrays. Pass in the object as an argument. Source
What is the difference between prefix and postfix operators?
The increment operator (++) adds 1 to its operand and returns a value. Similarly, the decrement operator (–) subtracts 1 from its operand and returns a value. Both of these operators can be used either prefix (++i, –i) or postfix (i++, i–). If used prefix, the value is incremented/decremented, and the value of the expression is the updated value. If used […]
Fire an event listener only once
Return an array of keys from an object
Return an array of keys from an object. Pass in the object as an argument. Source
Get the index of the first matching item in an array
Get the index of the first matching item in an array. Returns -1 if no matching item is found. Source
Sorting by an Object Property
You can sort arrays of objects. In this case we leverage the method and pass along the properties that we want to sort by. Source
Add special characters to text to print in color in the console
This code adds special characters to text to print in color in the console (combined with console.log()). Use template literals and special characters to add the appropriate color code to the string output. For background colors, add a special character that resets the background color at the end of the string. Source
Tell the browser when to run your JavaScript code
In HTML5, you can tell the browser when to run your JavaScript code. Source