This script lets you create your own flashing scroll bars. Simply type in two colors to the prompt and let JavaScript do the rest!
- Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
- Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document
<!– STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document –>
<!– Original: Jamie Allen –>
<!– Web Site: –>
<!– This script and many more are available free online at –>
<!– The JavaScript Source!! –>
<script language=”JavaScript”>
//This script may be used, UNEDITED
function flashingscrollbars(){
//Colour 1 for scrollbars
pr1 = prompt(‘Choose a first color for your scrollbarsn(USE ONLY SMALL LETTERS! e.g. blue NOT Blue or BLUE)’, ”);
var done=0
if (hid1.value==”null”) { location.reload(self); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”crimson”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”khaki”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”red”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”blue”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”silver”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”teal”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”gray”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”gold”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”#fafafa”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”pink”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”purple”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”violet”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”turquoise”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”brown”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”white”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”black”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”green”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”orange”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”maroon”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”lime”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”cyan”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (hid1.value==”magenta”) { gogo(); done=1; }
if (done==0) { if(confirm(‘There seems to have been an error on your first colour!nPlease try again!’)) { flashingscrollbars(); } else { location.reload(self); } }
//Second check for colours (Color 2)
function gogo(){
pr2 = prompt(‘Choose a second color for your scrollbars’, ”);
var done=0
if (hid2.value==”null”) { location.reload(self); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”crimson”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”khaki”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”red”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”blue”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”silver”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”teal”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”gray”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”gold”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”#fafafa”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”pink”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”purple”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”violet”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”turquoise”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”brown”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”white”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”black”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”green”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”orange”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”maroon”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”lime”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”cyan”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (hid2.value==”magenta”) { gogo2(); done=1; }
if (done==0) { if(confirm(‘There seems to have been an error on your second colour!nPlease try again!’)) { gogo(); } else { location.reload(self); } }
//If everything’s OK, this script will allow you to preview it in your browser.
function gogo2(){
cut_paste_box.value=”n<script language=”JavaScript”>nfunction go1(){””+hid1.value+””;nsetTimeout(‘clr2()’, 500)n}nfunction clr2(){””+hid2.value+””nsetTimeout(‘go1()’, 500)n}n</script>n<script language=”JavaScript”>ngo1()n</script>”
function prev(){
//The actual document.write (preview) script
document.write(‘n<html>n<head>n</head>n<body bgcolor=”#000000″ text=”#FFFF00″ link=”#00FF00″ vlink=”#00FF00″ alink=”#00FFFF”>n<center>n<p align=”center”>You should see the scrollbar flashing (as log as you’ve picked 2 different colors!)</p>n<p>Color 1 = ‘+hid1.value+'</p>n<p>Color 2 = ‘+hid2.value+'</p>n’+cut_paste_box.value+’n<p>Copy and Paste the following code, in your webpage, after the <body> tag.</p>n<textarea rows=”8″ cols=”75″>’+cut_paste_box.value+'</textarea></center>n<p align=”center”><a href=”javascript:history.back(-1);”>Back…</a>n</p>n</body>n</html>’)
<!– STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document –>
<!– This script and many more are available free online at –>
<!– The JavaScript Source!! –>
<!– Original: Jamie Allen –>
<!– Web Site: –>
<p align=”center”><font size=”6″ face=”tahoma”><strong>Flashing Scrollbar Maker</strong></font></p>
<p align=”center”><font size=”3″ face=”tahoma”><strong>v1.1</strong></font></p>
<p align=”center”>
<input type=”button” value=”Create some flashing scrollbars!” name=”go” onClick=”flashingscrollbars()”>
<div align=”center”>
<table border=”0″ cellpadding=”3″ cellspacing=”0″ width=”93%”>
<td width=”108%”>
<p align=”center”> <textarea disabled rows=”1″ cols=”1″ name=”cut_paste_box” style=”background-color: #000000; border-style: solid; border-width: 0″></textarea>
<p align=”center”>
<input disabled type=”button” value=”Preview Scrollbars” name=”preview” onclick=”prev()”>
<td width=”100%” align=”center”>
<p align=”center”> <font color=”#00FF00″ face=”Tahoma”>NOTE: Press
“Preview” to get the copy & paste code to put onto your
webpage </font></td>
<p align=”center”><input id=”hid1″ type=”hidden”></p>
<p align=”center”><input id=”hid2″ type=”hidden”></p>
<p align=”center”><input id=”hid3″ type=”hidden”></p>
<font face=”arial, helvetica” size”-2″>Free JavaScripts provided<br>
by <a href=””>The JavaScript Source</a></font>