When you sort an array and have several matches exact matches, it is handy to have a secondary property to sort by to break the tie. You can use the same approach as above, but with a little more logic. Inside the compareFunction, if the two properties have the same value (a zero compare value), then […]
Find a specific object in an array of objects
This is arguably one of the most common tasks you’ll need to accomplish in the JS world. Iterating through an array of objects to find a specific one. The find method is our friend here. Simply plugin the selection criteria using an anonymous function as the argument and you’re set: Source https://levelup.gitconnected.com/6-javascript-code-snippets-for-solving-common-problems-33deb6cacef3
Check if all array elements are unique
Checks if all elements in an array are unique. Create a new Set from the mapped values to keep only unique occurrences. Use Array.prototype.length and Set.prototype.size to compare the length of the unique values to the original array. Source https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/all-unique
Insert an element before another one
Insert an element before another one. Call the before() method on the reference node, and pass in the new node as an argument. Source https://vanillajstoolkit.com/reference/dom-injection/element-before/
Deep clone a value in Node.js
If you want to deep clone a value in Node.js, you no longer need to use a library or the JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)) hack. You can use the new global function structuredClone() Source https://github.com/roeib/JavaScript-snippets#structuredclone
Add an element to the DOM
The original way to add elements to the DOM. Call it on the parent of the element you’re inserting your new element before (the referenceNode), and pass in both the new element and the reference node as arguments. You can also use it to inject an element after another one by using the .nextSibling property on your referenceNode. Source https://vanillajstoolkit.com/reference/dom-injection/element-insertbefore/
Remove falsy values from an array
Removes falsy values from an array. Use Array.prototype.filter() to filter out falsy values (false, null, 0, “”, undefined, and NaN). Source https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/compact
How to change the value of an object which is inside an array
Source https://github.com/roeib/JavaScript-snippets#how-to-change-the-value-of-an-object-which-is-inside-an-array
Create an element
Source https://vanillajstoolkit.com/reference/dom-injection/createelement/
Date difference in months
Calculates the difference (in months) between two dates. Use Date.prototype.getFullYear() and Date.prototype.getMonth() to calculate the difference (in months) between two Date objects. Source https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/get-months-diff-between-dates